Fatten your Wallet Friday Giveaway Winner!!

December 2011


We have a winner for our "Fatten your Wallet Friday Giveaway" Congratulations:

Jennifer Thompson

You should be getting an email letting you know how to claim you prize.


*NEWS* 100-120 Sears and Kmart Stores Are Closing!

December 2011


Looks like Sears Holdings will be closing 100 – 120 Kmart and Sears Stores!

The company says $140 million to $170 million will be made with these closings.

This should make for some really cheap merchandise! Be sure to keep an eye out to see if a store near you is closing.

For more information head on to MSN Money.

Thanks Budget Savvy Diva!


Merry Christmas!

December 2011

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We had a great morning, it was nice to have my little boy old enough to enjoy it more.

We tried to not go overboard on gifts this year, the kiddos are so young right now that they don't care about getting a ton of gifts and it's the quality of the toy that matters over quantity. So we kept it simple.

I hope everyone else is having a wonderful day, and if you are feeling sad or alone today I hope you are comforted by Gods love.

My heart goes out to those who's family members are in different countries helping to make the world a better place, may they return in safety soon!

I will be posting a few things here and there today, so if you have some time between opening gifts and eating yummy food check back for a few great deals.

Merry Christmas!


*HOT* HaloHeaven.com: Closeout Sale! New 50% off Code!!

December 2011


Update: HaloHeaven has a new 50% off code!! Just use the promo code 2012 at checkout! Head over here to see what they have!

Did you get your Halo Heaven goodies in the mail?

I got mine today, and I was so excited to see all the cute stuff I got!

I'm using a lot of it for my little girls Christmas, (you can't beat $20!!)

My pictures are horrible! I can't wait to get my new camera from SaveMore!

I also have two more hats that aren't in the picture. I think this was a great score!

I was also happy to see the hats I ordered actually fit me!

I love this Halloween hat!! Can't wait to wear it!

They still have tons of great deals, so be sure to check it out!

Let us know what you grabbed!


Victoria’s Secret: Did you grab the FREE Fragrance Set? Grab your FREE $39 Credit!

December 2011


Looks like Victoria's Secret couldn't keep up with the demand of the FREE fragrance sets last week!

Luckily this works in our favor because they are giving everyone a FREE $39 e-credit!

For most readers this is more than your complete order even cost!

Be sure to check you inbox for an email from them!


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