Giveaway Time!! Flash Giveaway!! Win $10 to Plum District!!

November 2011


If you have been reading Mamas Spot for a while you know how much I love Plum District!!

And it's with good reason! They are one of the best daily deal sites I know of!

And a lot of you love it too!! Including Mamas Spot reader Dana who sent me 4 $10 off codes!!!

So we are going to have a little bit of fun with some flash giveaways!

When you see the snowman above in a post, be the first one to click on him and send me an email and you will snag $10!!!

Good Luck!!!

Thanks, Dana!


About Mamas Spot

Twelve years ago Mamas Spot was created to inform and inspire and it stays true to that motto to this day. Mamas Spot is completely and uniquely ad free for the best viewing experience possible for our amazing readers! 

Come along for the ride as our family of four navigates this world and experiences new adventures.

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